Traditional family business Schladerer, based in the black forest.
campaign #climateconnect ECHO
with support by Terre des Hommes/ southern africa
Artist Zuzanna Skiba, Berlin 2024
Portrait series for the an internet campaign by Mercedes Germany about people that have a connection or a special personal history with Mercedes cars.
We travelled throughout the county, accompanying the Mercedes Interview Project by Jason S. and Austin Lynch.
client: Mercedes
production: Trigger Happy Productions
A campaign for german home improvement store Hornbach. Portrayed Do-it-yourself-people from Stockholm to Bucharest showed us their favorite piece of work wear and told the story linked to it.
Photography for webpage and poster campain.
client: Hornbach
agency: Heimat
People at the studio and elsewhere.
Plakatkampagne der Regierung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt:
"Dafür stehen wir früher auf".
Porträts verschiedener Bewohner des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt.
Campaign about the ESSN refugee support program by EU and the International Red Cross: portraying young Syrians, now living in Turkey. They fled war, had to abandon studies and homes.
In the campaign, we meet them on eye level and learn about their different ways to cope with the daily struggle.
client: IFRC
agency: social social
prod: Vanessa Tomm
dir+ photography: Katja Renner
Kampagne “ Ist das noch Handwerk?”
Kunde: Deutsche Handwerkskammer
Agentur: Heimat
Produktion: Halal Berlin
Ongoing series about that inbetween age, the teenage years. Up one minute, down the next.
photography: Katja Renner
Legendary 24h race on Nürburgring circuit, Nürburg, Germany. A place loaded with history and atmosphere.
clients: PP-GROUP, Walkenhorst-Racing, Dörr-Racing
Reportage for german railway infrastructure company Spitzke.
artwork for singer and musician Angela Chambers
MSD “Mein zweites erstes Mal”
Die Geschichten von Frauen nach dem Krebs
personal book series “Souvenir”
design by Andrea Rupprecht